
Archive for August, 2012

Not Preventing Anymore:

I’ve been torn lately about whether to continue breast feeding baby G or to stop and switch to formula.  Why?  Because I long to be pregnant again and I would love nothing more to start TTC again.  Some of it was fuelled by my biological clock, I’m practically 41 and a half now, and I really don’t want baby G to be an only child.

I finished my 6 month prescription of the pill, and I will not get another.  It’s pointless at this stage since AF hasn’t returned yet, because I’m still breastfeeding every 3 hours or so.  Part of me thinks it’s really nice not to have had AF for a year and a half, but the other part of me can’t wait for her to return either.

But this week I’ve done some soul searching and decided to ignore my flesh.  We serve An Almighty God for whom NOTHING is impossible, so I shouldn’t let that bother me.

Baby G loves nursing and he does not like drinking formula, so I will continue to breast feed him until he is ready to wean.

So we are not officially TTC yet, but we are not preventing anymore either.  I trust in God that we will have at least one more child; I’m not sure when we will start TTC again, but it’s not time for us yet…

We’ve received one miraculous baby from God already and I know it’s His will for us to have another when the time is right.  I’m handing it all over to Him now!  He knows best after all…

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8 Months old:

My baby is 2/3’s on his way to his first birthday!  Its scary how quickly they grow up and how much time flies.  It feels like my little baby is not going to be a baby for much longer…

The above picture is not very good quality, sorry about that, but it’s really hard to take pictures of him nowadays, because he just does not sit still.  DH had to help with this picture because baby G kept on trying to stand up on the recliner, lunge forward towards me or he picked up the bear and tried to chew it’s nose and kept waving it in front of his face.  In the end DH had to lie on the floor to distract him and be there to catch him if it looked like he was going to fall from the recliner.

Measurements on 26/08/2012:

Weight: 8.5 kg (around 40th percentile)

Height:  71.5cm (around 65th percentile)

Head Circumference: 45.5 cm (70th percentile)

The line on the weight chart keeps dropping lower, but Baby G eats and drinks regularly and he is quite an active baby, so I’m not going to worry about it now.  He is healthy and he doesn’t look too thin, and his length is also dropping on the chart, so I assume he is growing slower than average.  At 9 months he is due for another set of inoculations and I’ll discuss it with the clinic sister then.

Sleeping:  Baby G’s night time sleeping is about the same as usual – some good nights, some average nights (most of the time) and we also have some bad nights.  Fortunately we haven’t had such a bad spell of night screaming again since last time I blogged about it.

It looks like he wants to drop one of his daytime naps – he used to nap 3 times a day for anything from 30 minutes to about an hour.  Since last week Monday he didn’t want to go down for a nap as quickly as he used to, but when he did sleep he slept for about 2 hours at a time.  So he got in 2 naps of 2 hours each on most days, which was more than usual, so I didn’t mind.  It’s just a bit confusing for me now since I must now try to figure out what is the best time to get him to take his nap, as sometimes I have to try up to 3 times before he would eventually go to sleep. They can just suddenly change their routine, when you least expect it.

Eating:  Baby G is eating well – he eats just about anything we give him.  In the beginning I used to wait 3-4 days before introducing new foods, to check for allergies, but we haven’t had any problems so now I give him whatever is convenient and sometimes that means getting more than 1 new food a day.  Some of the new foods he’s had this past month – spinach, potato, scrambled eggs, olives, cream cheese, mince, chicken, steak (mixed and pureed into his veggies).  He also eats food from our plates – if there is anything that we eat that looks like he might like we will give him some too, just to try out.

Baby G hasn’t had a lot of formula milk yet – I did buy 2 small tins up to now, but used it mostly in his food when I pureed it, but we did attempt a few times to give him a bottle with formula.  He did not drink a lot of it, but thankfully it looks like he is drinking from a bottle again (water, rooibos tea and diluted fruit juice), as well as his Sippy cup, so I’m thinking of trying to give him some formula again.  I must just buy some new formula again, as the tin I have here at home has expired once again.

I am still breastfeeding baby G regularly during the day and night.  I tried to stop feeding him at night after the sister told me last month that he doesn’t need it, and he did go to sleep a few times without nursing, but then one night he woke up completely and was awake for about 2 hours before I could get him back to sleep.  That was not fun!  So I’ve decided that I don’t mind nursing him, because usually 15 minutes later we are both asleep again.  I will rather not risk it again.

Clothes and nappies:  I’ve packed most of the 3-6 months clothes away and he is wearing mostly 6-12 months clothes.  I have noticed that some of his 6-12 months baby grows with feet are getting small over his feet, and his socks which are also 6-12 months are getting small too, so I think he has big feet.  Fortunately it is getting a lot warmer already (the last week felt like summer here) so I’m not too worried about that.  I have to buy summer clothes for baby G as he has almost no summer clothes for this age.  Up to now I didn’t buy too much clothes, because we got so much at my baby showers, but they bought mostly the smaller sizes, and baby G has outgrown almost all of it.

Baby G is wearing his reusable nappies most of the time, but we still have some disposables left and when he wears it, it is size 3.  I must say it was nice to not have to buy disposables this month, we are already feeling the savings after the initial outlay of the reusable nappies.  I didn’t buy too many so it hasn’t been a huge amount that we paid, and I still want to buy a few more.  At the moment we are using 8 nappies and I’m washing them every second day.  8 is not really enough for 2 days – 10 would be better, so baby G wears his reusable nappies almost 2 days and then he wears disposables for the next day and a bit until the reusable nappies have been washed and dried.  I want to get another 7 reusable nappies for him, and then I think he will have enough for him to wear for 3 days and then I can continue washing them every second or third day.

Milestones:  Baby G is 100% mobile now and loves to crawl from one side of the house to the other.  There is no room he hasn’t explored yet, and he knows exactly what is where.  He even crawls from inside to outside, and he’s also banged on the kitchen door when it’s closed, and then he looks at me as if to ask, “Open it mommy!”

He is able to stand up and hold onto things and people easily and he has also attempted some furniture walking.  Not too far, about 2 metres has been the furthest, and he has also tried to walk to me from a standing position at the coffee table to me sitting on a chair next to it.  He did not succeed at it, but it hasn’t discouraged him, since a day or so later he tried it again.

He adores the dogs, especially KT and she adores him.  KT still licks him a lot, we don’t like that at all, but baby G seems to like it – he actually has a smile on his face when she licks him.  Somehow we just don’t seem to be able to teach KT not to lick him.  Nandi is a bit scared that he will hurt her so she doesn’t approach him too often, but she does so occasionally.  Last week Baby G cornered her in the kitchen and he was so happy, because she could not get away from him.  Eventually I came to her rescue and let her go outside, because she really looked scared that he will hurt her.  He did have both hands full of fur, so maybe he was hurting her already.  Thank goodness both dogs don’t bite, and that both of them love kids.

Baby G is also talking a lot more – he is saying Pappa (Daddy) a lot more, he also says kyk (look) and sometimes it sounds like he says kykda or kykhie (look there or look here) and he also points sometimes when he says it, he also says daarshy (not sure about the right translation, but in context its mostly used as there you go) and both DH and I thought that we heard him say KT’s name too.  One has to listen carefully to hear the words as they are not pronounced perfectly, but DH and I can hear it clearly.

Baby G has no teeth yet, and still no sign of any teeth coming out either.    Lots of symptoms though, but we were convinced that he had teething symptoms since he was 4 months old already.

Firsts:  The most obvious was baby G experiencing the snow, but he also got to play on a jumping castle a few weeks ago at my friend’s house, and he got to swing and slide.  He was a bit scared of the jumping castle at first – I went on it with him, and he clung to me like a little monkey, but after about 5 minutes he let go and crawled around on it while my friend’s 3 year old daughter jumped around him.  He absolutely loved the swing and the slide.

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And the winner is:

Fabulous Mommy!

The random number generated was 1 and since she was the first to comment she is the winner!  Congratulations, as soon as I know your preferences and address I will ship the prize to you!

Thank you to all that entered and I must say there were some great green tips!


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It’s become time for me to either look for a job or to start my own business and earn to money to contribute towards our monthly household expenses.  I admit I have trouble leaving baby G with other people – not because I don’t trust the other people, but because I just don’t want to be apart from him.  So the idea of leaving him with a nanny, or at a day mother or crèche seems almost unbearable to me.  The obvious option therefore is to work from home, and that’s why I decided to start my own business.  (Yes, I know I’m spoiled and that most mothers don’t have this option.)

I’ve heard that its best to start a business by doing something you are passionate about, and for a long time I did not know what I felt passionate about.  Until I got baby G and started to research the cloth nappies and eco-friendly nappies.  So I decided to start a business selling eco-friendly bamboo washable nappies online.  Check out the website here.

That brings me to the give away – In celebration of my new business I want to give something to one of the readers of this blog.  I will give away 2 nappies and two extra inserts of the winner’s choice, so that is 2 nappies and 4 inserts.  This competition is open only here on this blog.

All you have to do to enter is to comment here and give me one “green” or eco-friendly tip you have.  It can be anything.  The competition will close on Friday, when I will draw the winner using a random number generator.  After that I will announce the winner and liaise with that person to hear their preferences and to ship it off to her.

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Sleeping Problems:

This week was incredibly rough again.  Baby G is going through one of those night screaming spells since Monday night again.  So this morning I decided to take him to the paediatrician, to have him checked out to see why he is crying through the night.

Well, the doctor said he is really very healthy generally, no ear infection or any signs of a cold or flu, in spite of DH being sick for more than a week already with flu.  The doctor said it can either be cramps from his digestive system or teething.  Exactly the same as what I suspected, but I just had to make sure, because it really looks like my poor baby is in pain.

So the doctor gave me a prescription for probiotics, hopefully that will help his digestive system and he told me that we must give baby G some Pan.ado syrup before bed for the next 3 nights, for pain relief.  Baby G has had some smelly farts lately and irregular bowel movements again, with a real nasty looking one this morning.

There is still no sign of teeth coming through, no red gums, no swelling, but the doctor did not want to rule it out completely.  I told him that the times I have used tee.jel it hasn’t made one bit of difference, but he said he has no confidence in it, so he is not surprised it did not work.

I really hope this treatment works, because it is just heartbreaking to see my baby cry out so much at night.  Last night he tried to sit up every time, (eyes completely closed, it really looks like he is asleep), but as soon as he gets up he topples over again.  I’ve been giving him medicine for the cramps, massaging his tummy and moving his legs in a pedalling motion, but last night nothing helped.  This morning I saw that he had dark rings under his eyes, and that, combined with the fact that I feel like I cannot go on like this for much longer prompted me to make that appointment.

The weird thing is that during the day there is no sign of him feeling unwell.  Yesterday he just didn’t want to eat as much as usual.

On a fun note:  It snowed on Tuesday, and this is such a rare occasion here where we live that DH and I were like little kids – so excited to see it.  (It is so rare that I only know of 3 times that it snowed here in our town since I’ve been alive, 1981, 2007 and now again.)  KT also loved it and went totally crazy.  She licked the snow and hopped around and as soon as we talked to her she would start running like crazy.  The cold did not bother her at all!  I could not resist and went to fetch baby G to have a picture taken of him in the snow, just so that we have proof that he has seen it.   He was outside for less than 2 minutes; DH was very worried that he would be too cold.

O, by the way baby G is crawling so well now!  No more falling down, he can follow me from one room to the other and he even attempted to crawl up 2 steps at my MIL’s house. When he got up the 2 steps he crawled from the TV room to the formal lounge and through that into the passage and then into the kitchen.   All in all a good 20-25 metres!

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