
Archive for March, 2013

I have been busy with some major changes for Eco Nappy Solutions lately.

This week we launched a new website for Eco Nappy Solutions, and we can now accept credit card payments as well as EFT payments.

Eco Nappy Solutions is also now on Twitter and Pinterest.

But the best news is that there is a Facebook competition and all you have to do is like our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/#%21/EcoNappySolutions?fref=ts) before 15 April to stand a chance to win.  The winner will be announced on 15 April 2013.

The prize is a Bamboo Pull Up Nappy and a Potty Training Pants of the winner’s choice.  These are our eco-friendly potty training options for toddlers.  There are lots of prints and colours to choose from for both, I’ll just post 1 example of both:

PTP Puppy

The Potty Training Pants is like underwear, but with some waterproof lining on the inside to help keep messes to a minimum.  They are for when you have time to monitor your little one and take him to the toilet whenever it is necessary.  They have to be changed immediately if an “accident” occurs.  The Potty Training Pants come in 4 sizes:  Small –  0-6 months (up to about 8/9kg), Medium – 6-12 months (approx 8-12kg), Large – 12-24 months (approx 12-16kg) and extra large – 24 months + (16kg +).  These can also be used for swimming because they are made from cotton.

MPUN Indigo Dots

The Bamboo Pull Up Nappies are Nappies that can be worn during the day or night and gives a lot more protection than the Potty Training Pants.  They are more suited for times when you cannot change immediately if there is an ‘accident”.  They are one size and fit toddlers from 1-3 years (from about 10-18 kg).  These nappies are minky on the outside which is a super soft velvety kind of fabric that feels so luxurious.  On the inside it’s Bamboo, which is hypo-allergenic, anti-bacterial, highly absorbent, odour resistant, breathable and it keeps baby nice and cool in summer and warm in winter.

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Meet Nitro:

It was my 42nd birthday a week ago and guess who I got for my birthday?


Nitro is our new boxer puppy.  We decided that Nandi is getting old and KT needs a play mate that can keep up with her.  Now that Baby G is older than a year we feel that we have some energy to raise another puppy.  We though now would be the best time – we hope to have either a sibling for baby G by the end of the year or that I should be heavily pregnant again, so its either now or wait another 1.5 – 2 years.

I must say, its tougher raising a puppy and a 14 month old than I thought.  Raising puppies have always been easy for us, but this is the first time with a baby/toddler.  I have to keep an eye on both of them all the time!  Nitro loves to chew baby G’s toys, jump up against baby G and lick him in the face.  Baby G can sometimes hurt Nitro by hitting him with his sippy cup or whatever toy he has in his hands.

Fortunately raising Nitro is not just up to us, KT is a big help too.  And she absolutely adores Nitro!  I am totally amazed at how much and how rough they play, even though Nitro is only 8 weeks old.


I must say I don’t feel 42 – I feel more like 24!

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14 Months:

It’s more than a month ago that I last posted something on my blog! Shameful! I do have good reasons though and you will find most while reading this post.


I’m not going to weigh baby G every month anymore, but on the 16th of February he weighed about 9.42kg.

Teeth: Baby G still only has 6 teeth (4 at the top and 2 at the bottom). It’s been 3 months now without any new teeth. Makes me wonder when the other 2 at the bottom will come out…

Sleeping: Slowly but surely Baby G is sleeping better and better as he gets older, but it is really very gradual. I must say 2 weeks ago I started to meditate on scriptures of rest and in 1 week’s time he slept through 3 times! That was great, because one of those nights I also slept through for the first time since before baby G’s birth and it was heavenly! But I got complacent and stopped meditating on those scriptures (you know, I just let other stuff get in the way and then just didn’t get round to doing it…) But from today I’m going to focus on that again, no matter what!

Eating: Baby G still prefers breast milk above anything else. But I’ve set some new rules in place – baby G now has to sit on a little chair of his at our coffee table and eat, and I give him finger foods to eat, so that he can feed himself and I’ve found that he does eat more that way. It is still hit and miss what he will eat though, because one day he might love something and the next day he will completely refuse to eat it and he now says “sleg” (taste bad) when he does not want to eat something. Where he gets that I don’t know, because I have not noticed that we use that word in that context. We usually try to convince him that the food tastes nice! But I guess he must have heard it from us, because where else would he learn it?

Favourites: Water is still a big favourite of baby G, but he has a new love and that is soft toys, and the softer the better! He also loves soft blankets and he especially likes them when he gets tired. He loves to cuddle up to something soft and sometimes he wants to sleep with it in his arms. So the house is now scattered with soft toys and blankets and even some soft fake fur throw pillows of mine… The other night baby G had 2 teddy bears, a dog soft toy, spongebob, and Agie his Hus that he got from Auntie Beth in his cot, and there was actually not much space for him, so I had to take some out. I’ve also had one night where I tried to nurse him to sleep in my arms, and baby G had one teddy in each arm, and he refused to let go of them! It’s so cute when he squeezes them tight and burries his little face in the soft fur.

Milestones: Baby G started walking a week or so before his first birthday and since then he hasn’t stopped. He can now run, and he loves to run away from mommy. Crawling is basically now a thing of the past – he only crawls on occasion and mostly when he wants to get under something.

Baby G is still talking a lot and in the past week or so he’s used quite a few new words again, like “sleg”, “dankie” (thank you), “sies” and “druk hom” (he says that when he tries to push buttons or press switches like light switches), and “buite” (outside) when he wants to go outside or he tells the dogs to go outside.

Baby G climbs on to anything and everything he can. The other day I found him on top of our dining room table. He pulled out a chair, climbed on top of the chair and from there he climbed on top of the dining room table. Not only that, but he can climb back down the way he came!

He loves to play with balls, and he loves to play with a ball with KT. Those two can play for quite some time, where baby G will throw the ball, KT will fetch it, sometimes she will bring it back to baby G and let him take it from her and he will then throw it back to her again. So cute! DH also saw him give her one of her toys and then straight away asked for it back by saying, “ta”. KT had no idea what he wanted from her. Baby G also loves to kick his bigger balls and that is a game I love to play with him. We will kick the ball or we will sit on the floor and roll or throw the ball for each other.

One of baby G’s other favourite activities is to put things into containers and then to try and put a lid on that container. Sometimes there are different containers and lids and he does not always get the right lid for the right container, but he does try, and he doesn’t give up easily.

One thing that he does that is so super cute is he pretends to blow his nose.  He must have seen us doing it, so he would take a tissue or a piece of toilet paper, or even a wipe and hold it to his nose and blow a raspberry with his mouth.  He has no idea how it actually works, that one blows out of your nose.

Firsts: We went on holiday a couple of weeks ago, and it was baby G’s first time at the sea, on a beach and the first time he went camping, and he loved it all! We went to Ca.pe Vi.dal – a piece of paradise on earth in our opinion and our absolute favourite holiday destination in South Africa. Who can ask for anything more – the sea, the beach, divinely warm sea water, and all of that in the middle of one of our heritage sites and a game reserve, so one can see all sorts of wild life too! It was awesome and we needed the break, but I must say, catching up on work has me feeling like I need another holiday already!

2013-02-05 14.06.09

2013-02-06 08.18.28

Then the other first is not a nice first… Baby G got bitten by our neighbour’s dog – baby G stuck his arm through the fence to try and pet their Labrador (yes, I know, not a breed that one would expect that from, but this dog is seriously unstable and in need of Ce.sar Mil.lan!) I felt so bad because it happened during the day at home on my watch! Just the day before my dad told me that I must be very vigilant and not let baby G get close to the fence because he could see that dog will bite baby G and I still let it happen…

2013-02-13 12.47.37

Baby G had to go to the emergency room, where they gave him keta.mine to anaesthetize him just to clean the wound. That was one hair raising and horrible experience for us because it looked like baby G could not breathe, but the doctor said it was normal, and he never was in danger. DH was so angry at our neighbours especially when they did not want to get rid of the dog (or put it down like DH wanted). In the end it took threats from DH to go to the police and report them to get them to remove the dog for a week and a half until they moved. On the day they moved out I saw the dog again, so I assume they got someone to look after the dog for that time.

Fortunately baby G’s arm healed nicely, and I’ve been praying in tongues over it, so I believe it will not leave much of a scar, but it was a harrowing experience. He must still get 1 more rabies injection, because our neighbours never vaccinated their dogs and the doctors insisted that one must give rabies injections even if it does not look like the dog has rabies.


The weird and somewhat scary thing is that baby G still has no fear of dogs, even of those same dogs, or any new dogs that he meets. He still wants to go immediately to any new dog and pet it. I guess he trusts dogs completely because he can do anything with KT and Nandi and they will not do anything to him. He can pull their ears, pull their tails, take food out of their mouths, stand on them, sit on them and they will just lie there or get up and walk away if it gets too rough. So we will have to be extra vigilant when ever other people’s dogs are near and try to train baby G not to just touch any dog he sees… This baby has no fear – of anything actually….

And the last first is that Baby G started creche today.  He was fine when I left him in his class with his teacher, and I even said bye to him, but a little while later before I was out of the front door I heard him crying and when I peeked around the corner he was in teachers arms crying terribly.  I felt so bad…  Fortunately the lady that is in charge of the creche sent me quite a few updates already and I know he is fine now…  Even daddy was worried, because he called me just as I was driving away from the creche already, so I’ve been sending the updates to him too.

I wanted to keep baby G home for as long as possible, but God has blessed my business so incredibly that I just did not have time to work and look after baby G.  So baby G is going to creche 5 mornings a week and hopefully I will get done what I need to do during the mornings and hopefully baby G will enjoy the different stimulation and the little friends…

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